Your Provider


Providing quality support, capacity, education,

advocacy and independence to the disability


About Stones Disability Services

Welcome to SDS


Stones Disability Services (SDS), is unique through our distinctive mission, vision, and values in the disability industry. SDS are founding members of the the National Disability Insurance Scheme Association (NDISA), 'Holli' (H.O.L.L.I. S.P. v1), and Holli's Care Connect App, expanding our commitment to excellence and the presence of AI.

SDS's core principles remain unchanged: to provide quality support that prioritizes the well-being of our clients, dedicated staff, and all stakeholders involved in the processes. SDS believes in nurturing social, community, and civic capacity, making a profound impact by offering a unique business model firmly rooted in education and a Christian Worldview.

Join us on this transformative journey as we continue to build a more inclusive, supportive, and compassionate world for all, now and into the future.

Our Mission


Our mission is to build capacity by teaching clients to become independent in areas that are specified in their plan management, and by equipping support workers with knowledge, skills, and tools so they can facilitate clients growth and learning.  

Established in education and a Christian Worldview we are dedicated to creating vibrant community hubs that foster inclusivity and holistic growth.

Our mission is not just to provide support; it's to create a world where every individual, regardless of their abilities, experiences the joy of community, and the empowerment to lead fulfilling lives.

Expanding excellence and artificial intelligence (AI) we are dedicated to providing help, guidance, and support to the disability community through navigating support systems, optimizing AI communications, or leveraging AI for enhanced care and support.

Our Vision


Our vision is to provide community hubs where individuals of all abilities can connect through gardens, music and art therapy, cooking, and other activities.

A place where they can come together for gatherings.

These hubs will serve as vital spaces for social interaction, personal development, and the celebration of unity.

With the support of the NDISA, H.O.L.L.I. S.P. v1, and Holli's Care Connect App, we are expanding our reach and capabilities to make this vision a reality.

Furthermore, our vision extends to providing tailored courses through the Stones Education app, where each client and staff member can pursue personalized learning goals that foster independence.

With H.O.L.L.I. S.P. v1 and Holli's Care Connect App, we aim to leverage advanced technology to optimize AI communications and enhance the learning experience, making it more accessible and effective for everyone.

Why should you engage Stones Disability Services as your provider?

Stones Disability Services (SDS) is the founding member of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Association (NDISA) which is a self-governing body dedicated to championing excellence, collaboration, and advocacy within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) community.

Do you need support?


Your Association

Providing help, guidance and support to the disability community.

Why should you engage Stones Disability Services as your provider?

2.Stones Disability Services (SDS) is a founding member of Elohim Technologies; the first global enterprise to bring Artificial General Intelligence to humanity.



'Holli' is a Hyper Organic Large Language Intelligent Sentient Processor ready to assist you with emailing and social media tasks so your time can be better spent on what is important.

Holli's Care Connect App

Mobile Application - Utilising AI For The Benefit of Humanity.

Why should you engage Stones Disability Services as your provider?

3.Stones Disability Services (SDS) is committed to upholding our core values, promoting quality support, educating the disability community, and empowering staff to develop capacity, community, and independence.


Health and Daily Living Support

Do you require support to maintain your independence?

Stones Disability Services understand that individuals with disabilities often require specialised support to lead fulfilling lives.

Our Health and Daily Living Services are designed with a deep commitment to our Christian values and a strong foundation in education. We believe that every person deserves the highest quality of care and assistance to achieve their fullest potential.

Our dedicated team of professionals are here to provide comprehensive support, tailored to the unique needs of each individual we serve. From assistance with personal care and hygiene to promoting a healthy lifestyle and fostering independence, our Health and Daily Living Services are rooted in compassion, respect, and a profound understanding of the challenges faced by those with disabilities.

With a strong emphasis on nurturing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, our services go beyond the ordinary.

We aim to create a warm and inclusive environment where families can feel confident that their loved ones are receiving the best care possible.

Stones Disability Services believe that disability should never be a barrier to living a full and meaningful life.

Explore our Health and Daily Living services to see how we can make a positive impact on the lives of those you care about.

Social and Community Support

Do you need help getting involved in your community?

Stones Disability Services commitment to serving the disability community extends beyond the realm of individual care.

We recognise the importance of social connection and community engagement in enhancing the lives of those we support. That's why we are proud to introduce our Social and Community Support Services, an integral part of our family-run, Christian-based business.

Our Social and Community Support Services are built upon the belief that inclusion and belonging are fundamental human rights.

We understand that individuals with disabilities often face unique challenges when it comes to participating fully in their communities.

Our mission is to bridge that gap and create opportunities for meaningful social interactions and community integration.

With a strong foundation in education and guided by Christian values, our dedicated team are here to empower individuals with disabilities to lead rich and fulfilling lives. Whether it's through participation in community events, support in developing social skills, or helping individuals find their passions and interests, we are dedicated to nurturing a sense of belonging.

Stones Disability Services view our clients as an integral part of our extended family, and we strive to create a warm, inclusive, and supportive environment where they can thrive.

Our Social and Community Support Services are designed to foster independence, build confidence, and strengthen the bonds of friendship within the disability community.

Join us in our mission to empower individuals with disabilities to not just exist but to flourish within their communities.

Explore our Social and Community Support Services to discover how we can make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

Education Services

Do you require new skills?

Stones Disability Serviecs believe that education is a powerful tool that can open doors to a brighter future for individuals with disabilities and our staff.

Our commitment to holistic care and support extends to our Stones Education Services, where we blend our Christian values with a strong foundation in education to empower those we serve.

Stones Education Services is more than just a program; it's a pathway to knowledge, growth, and self-discovery. We understand that individuals with disabilities have unique learning needs and aspirations.

Our mission is to provide a supportive and inclusive educational environment that fosters personal development, academic achievement, and spiritual growth.

With a team of dedicated educators and support professionals, we tailor our educational services to meet the specific needs and goals of each individual. Whether it's enhancing literacy and numeracy skills, exploring vocational training, or offering assistance with homework and study skills, we are committed to nurturing the intellectual and spiritual potential of our clients and staff .

Rooted in the principles of compassion, respect, and inclusion, Stones Education Services is designed to inspire a love for learning and a sense of purpose.

We firmly believe that education is a lifelong journey, and we are here to walk that path alongside our clients, helping them build a solid foundation for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Stones Disability Services view education as a stepping stone to greater opportunities, and we are dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities and staff reach their fullest potential.

Explore Stones Education Services to see how we can support your loved one's educational journey.

Independent Living Support

Do you want to live independently or in a group?

Stones Disability Services are proud to offer a unique and innovative approach to Independent Living through our Group Shared Homes and Community Hub Services.

We understand that independence means different things to different individuals, and for many, it's about more than just living alone. It's about creating a supportive community and fostering a sense of belonging.

Our Group Shared Homes and Community Hubs are the embodiment of our commitment to empowering individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling and self-directed lives.

As a small family-run business rooted in Christian values and founded on a strong educational foundation, we bring a deep sense of compassion and expertise to this service.

In our Group Shared Homes, we provide a safe and inclusive environment where individuals with disabilities can live together while maintaining their independence. We believe that the bonds of friendship and shared experiences can enhance the quality of life.

Our team of professionals are dedicated to creating a warm and supportive atmosphere where residents can develop life skills, make choices, and grow personally and socially.

Our Community Hubs are vibrant centers of activity, fostering a sense of connection and engagement within the larger community. Here, individuals can participate in a variety of activities, access resources, and build social networks. Our hubs are designed to promote inclusion and offer opportunities for personal growth, creativity, and learning.

Stones Disability Services are committed to helping individuals with disabilities not only find a place to live but also create a meaningful life within a community. We believe in the power of choice, self-determination, and the strength of supportive relationships.

Explore our Group Shared Homes and Community Hub Services to discover how we can help individuals achieve their dreams of independent living within a welcoming and caring community.

Support Coordination

Do you need help getting the most out of your plan?

Stones Disability Services understand that navigating the complex landscape of disability services and supports can be overwhelming. That's why we offer a dedicated Support Coordination Service, designed to be your guiding light in this journey.

As a small family-run business deeply rooted in Christian values and education, we are committed to helping individuals with disabilities and their families access the right services and resources they need.

Our Support Coordination Service is more than just assistance; it's a partnership. We believe in the power of collaboration, empathy, and expertise to empower individuals with disabilities to live their best lives. We work closely with you to understand your unique goals, preferences, and needs, and then we develop a tailored plan to ensure you get the most out of the available services and supports.

Our experienced support coordinators are here to simplify the process, advocate on your behalf, and connect you with a network of trusted providers. Whether you're seeking access to healthcare, housing, education, employment, or community engagement, we have the knowledge and dedication to help you navigate the system and make informed decisions.

Stones Disability Services view our clients as valued members of our family, and we are committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive support every step of the way.

Our Support Coordination Service is your partner in achieving your aspirations and building a future filled with opportunities and growth.

Join us in our mission to empower individuals with disabilities to lead self-directed and fulfilling lives.

Explore our Support Coordination Service to discover how we can be your trusted guide in this journey.


Do you want to join us on exciting adventures?

Friday, 1 March

2024 Brisbane Disability Connection Expo, Sponsored by Easy Healthcare

QLD's largest FREE expo for people with disability, families and carers. See hundreds of service providers over TWO huge days!

The 2024 Brisbane Disability Connection Expo, sponsored by Easy Healthcare is the biggest expo in Queensland history and it's free to attend.
Friday March 1 and Saturday March 2

Connect and Share!
This expo offers people with disabilities, their families, and caregivers the opportunity to connect, explore, learn, and discover new solutions. Whether you're seeking information on assistive technologies, support services, community and government programs, there is tonnes on offer with more than 270 exhibitors across two halls over two days.

Have burning NDIS-related questions?
Visit our pupose-built Information Hub. Stay to enjoy the free activities

including face painting, jumping castle and ballon artists, as well as a fantastic mainstage entertainment program.

Free to attend - all welcome!



Employment Services

Would you like to prepare for, find and keep a job?

Supported Holidays

Would you like to engage in life enriching travel?

Transport and Appointments

Do you need help getting around and going to appointments?

NDIS Plan Management

Do you need help getting the most out of your plan?


Find out about all upcoming events and news by entering your details below:




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Ph: 07 3371 7876


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NDIS Registration: Coming Soon

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Ph: 07 3371 7876

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ABN: 61 901 712 943

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